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What is a septum correction?

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With a septum correction, a crooked or bent deviated septum is straightened. The internal part of the nose, the nasal septum, may be crooked. A crooked nasal septum can cause nasal congestion on one or both sides. This will require a septum correction. In that case, the health insurance sometimes reimburses part of the costs. We will look into this for you and arrange it with the health insurance if possible. It is very important to be able to make a good surgical plan that you describe your wishes as precisely as possible. We can help you with this through a 3D computer simulation.

Interested in a septum correction?
Arts tijdens een tussenschotcorrectie.

Options for septum correction

When the nasal septum is crooked, this can lead to functional complaints such as nasal obstruction (nasal blockage) and sinus complaints (inflammation or sinusitis). The external nose may also be crooked if the septum shows a deviation. A nasal septum correction can reduce the complaints by equalizing patency and ventilation on both sides. Such a procedure can be performed either alone or in combination with an external correction. Because the complaints are rarely caused by an external abnormality, the insurer will not reimburse the external or aesthetic part of the procedure. What is sometimes possible is (financial) compensation if you want an aesthetic rhinoplasty and the septum is also crooked. This can be determined during a clinical examination or intake interview.

The treatment

The treatment process consists of several steps, starting with a free consultation in which we discuss your wishes. During this consultation it is possible to use a 3D computer simulation.

The Neuscorrectiespecialist can perform a septum correction (we are also ENT doctors) but only if this is done together with an external correction. So we do not do stand-alone septum corrections. If a nasal septum correction is performed at the same time, it is done via the same approach (or incision) at the bottom of the nose. The mucous membranes are released from the septum on the inside of the nose, so that changes can be made to the cartilage (straightening).

Interested in a septum correction?

Aftercare and recovery for a septum correction

The addition of a septum correction does not make a procedure more difficult, nor will healing be any different or more difficult. Tampons may sometimes be necessary, although we try to replace them with (septal) sutures as much as possible. The recovery from a rhinoplasty with or without a septum correction therefore remains the same.

Aftercare Crooked nasal septum

On the day of the procedure itself and the day after, you will cool the nose and eyes. The best way to do this is to place a washcloth with frozen peas in it on the eyes (and the nose cap). You do this every hour for about 5 minutes. You don’t have to get up at night.

Septum correction recovery

If applicable, we remove the tampons after 3 to 4 days and replace the nose cap. If you wear a plaster cast (and the nasal bones are broken), you have been “visibly operated” during all that time. This means that you have swelling and bruising around the eyes. They discolor, sink to the cheeks, and disappear after 7-10 days. As long as the nose cap is in place, it is best not to exert too much physical effort. Light housework is permitted. Administrative work, reading, studying, computer work are all possible. When you remove the nose cap you will be “presentable” again. It is better to avoid all efforts that make you sweat for 2-3 weeks. Calm cycling is allowed after 2 weeks, running after 3-4 weeks and contact sports after 5-6 weeks. The sutures at the bottom of the nose are dissolvable and may be cut short after 10-14 days. As long as they are present, the sutures may be rubbed with a greasy ointment. The scars next to the nose do not require stitches and can no longer be found after a few months.

Most of the swelling has disappeared after 6 weeks. The nose tip initially feels stiff and wooden and it can take six months before it is completely flexible again.

If a septum correction involves not breaking the nasal bones (e.g. rasping and not breaking the bridge of the nose, or just cartilaginous changes), then all of the above limitations are not too bad, and the recovery is faster.


The costs of a nasal septum correction vary widely. It is therefore not possible to quote a general price. Because the complaints are rarely caused by an external abnormality, the insurer will not reimburse the external or aesthetic part of the procedure. What is sometimes possible is (financial) compensation if you want an aesthetic rhinoplasty and the nasal septum is also crooked. This can be determined during a clinical examination or intake interview.

Do you want to know exactly what it would cost you? Schedule a free video consultation!

Septum correction at Neuscorrectiespecialist

The Neuscorrectiespecialist is the specialist for both cosmetic and functional nose operations. All operations are performed by doctor Koen Ingels, doctor Niels van Heerbeek and doctor Arthur Scheffer. Together they have more than sixty years of experience in performing nose corrections on a weekly basis and they are therefore among the best nose surgeons currently working in the Netherlands. These years of experience are crucial because of the close connection between the shape and function (breathing) of the nose. Any correction of the shape of the nose can have an adverse effect on breathing and vice versa. We link this surgical expertise to open and accessible contact. In addition, quality and safety come first at the Neuscorrectiespecialist. At the Neuscorrectiespecialist we are also one of the few to have a Piezo device.

Are you considering a septum correction? Please contact us without obligation via the contact form. You can also call 0031 85 760 47 27 or mail to info@neuscorrectiespecialist.nl.

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